Monday, February 22, 2010

Overnight Hike Last Weekend

Hello everyone! It has been a pretty crazy week with classes starting to pick up as well as the start of my volunteering :) Anyways last weekend I went with a few friends and the Mountain and Ski Club to an overnight hike at Zuurberg Mountain :) It was about an hour away. We were driving along a normal road and then all of a sudden it ended and we were just driving on dirt through a farm to get to our location. Once we arrived we walked about 20 minutes to a dam where we jumped off of the top of it and into the water! It was about 35 feet high haha so after swimming for a while we began the real hike. We ended up missing the path by 10 feet and took the wrong way up! A hour and a half hike then turned into 4 hours haha but it was still so much fun. The leaders of the Mountain and Ski Club were telling us there was running water and huts at the top for us to sleep in. So after the 4 hours they announced we were almost there. We turned the corner... and it was just flat land haha so we set up our sleeping bags and headed to a rock pool. It was like a mini quarry with a tiny pool no bigger than a bedroom in between. Someone had the crazy idea to jump off the cliff into this tiny pool where you could see the bottom of the water from the top!! Everyone ended up following suite since he made the jump successfully :) I ended up leaping off 3 times and it was the greatest time ever as you can see in the picture :)

So afterward we all went back to our "camp" and slept under the stars. You could see literally every single star in the sky. It was epic. Then we woke up the next day and took the real path this time and made it quickly down :) It was such an amazing time and I met a lot of local South Africans. Hopefully I'll be going on even more hikes and rock climbing with the club. I miss all of you and I would give anything for you guys to hike up that mountain with me.

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